Welcome to the Future Web Site of:
This is only a temporary place holder for mexicomx.biz
Please visit this web site again soon to see if the owner has published their site.If you are the owner of this site:
If you still see this place holder after uploading your web page/pages, you need
to delete or overwrite the file named index.htm in your public_html directory.
Make sure that your home page is named index.html, .htm or .php
and you have uploaded it into the "Public_Html" folder.
Access your cPanel
the above URL will only work when your domain has resolved to our servers.
Start Publishing Your Web Pages:
Delete the file "index.htm" within your "public_html" directory.
Name your new home page index.html, .htm or .phpTo publish your files before your domain name has resolved:
FTP into your account using the following information:Hostname:
Then, enter the username and password in your welcome email.
Once you are logged in please go to the "public_Html" directory and begin uploading
your web pages, images..etc.